Sunday, November 24, 2019


I have made it through a Sunday without allowing myself to wallow in pity.  I did it!  Well almost.  It's only 7 PM, but I've got this.  I spent time with my family, went grocery shopping, did yard work, listened to worship music, talked to God, and wrote a poem.  Oh, and lets not forget that I thought about and talked to Jeff often.  He may live in Heaven, but he will be an ever present part of my life...forever and always.

Here is my poem that I wrote about today.  It's a Haiku of sorts.

Beautiful Fall Day

Leaves go up in smoke
Woodsy fragrance fills the air
Invading all things

Regal pine smells sweet
Soft, plush carpet of needles
Rusty Amber shade

Autumn day of joy
Beautiful, bright, productive
Thankful, grateful, blessed

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