Friday, March 8, 2019

Happy International Women's Day

If you have been on the internet or any social media today, you have likely stumbled upon the fact that it is International Women's Day.  This might be bad to admit, but I had no idea what this day was all about.  I decided to do a little research, and what I learned is that this day is all about celebrating the achievements of women, encouraging gender equality, and empowering women (both young and old).  I also read about how it's important to recognize powerful women role models.  This made me think about the role models that I have had and are helping to encourage me through my situation.

Obviously, the first is my mom.  I mean, that woman gave me life.  Love has always flowed freely from her.  Although she didn't have the easiest childhood, she made sure that I had a great one.  She encouraged me to get a good education.  I could seriously go on and on about the support that she has given me over the years.  She is a fun woman, and I am blessed that she is one of my best friends.

When my dad passed away 12 years ago, it was a huge blow to our family.  He had only been sick for about three months, and it all just happened so quickly.  My dad had just turned 60-years-old, and my mom was only 53-years-old.    They had been married for 33 years.  Losing my dad was very hard on my mom.  Through the years she has showed me that you keep doing what needs to be done.  You don't stop.  It hurts.  It sucks.  But you just have to keep going.  Laundry needs done.  Dinner needs cooked.  You can't stop.

Another role model, is my dad's mom.  She passed away when I was 16-years-old.  Words that come to mind when I think of her are smart, elegant, and strong.  She was always keeping her mind sharp by doing crossword puzzles.  She wasn't elegant in an uppity way.  She just had an air about her that I can't put into words.  And, oh boy, was she strong.

Her first husband passed away which left her alone to care for their three girls.  She then married my grandfather and they had my father and Aunt Emmy.  Loved my grandfather, but he was a stubborn and cranky man.  They were from the Chicago area, and he moved her to a rural area in downstate Illinois.  He didn't get her a fancy home.  Heck, he didn't even get their family of 7 a somewhat decent home.  No siree!  He moved them into a chicken coop.  A chicken coop folks!  She scrubbed it from top to bottom with lye and made it livable.  That is one strong woman.

All of my dad's sisters are strong women.  Two have passed away, and they are greatly missed by our family.  They were all hard workers.  They all faced challenges, and they all pushed through.  Their lives weren't always easy, but they never acted defeated.

My Aunt Emmy is still alive, and she has been an encouragement to me during my situation.  When she was in her twenties her husband was murdered.  That left her alone with three children to care for.  (You noticing a trend here?)  Did she struggle?  Sure.  Did she let it defeat her?  No.  She eventually remarried an absolutely wonderful man.  He was there with her when the man that murdered her first husband was finally found guilty.  That was 33 years after he was killed.  Never give up!

So, yeah, I come from a line of strong women.  I have had people tell me I too am strong.  Maybe I am.  I definitely don't feel strong.  I just feel like I am doing what I have been shown to do.  Keep going.  Don't give up.  I miss Jeffrey like crazy.  It has been just over three months since I have felt his touch or heard his laugh.  His death has changed my vision for my life.  It has left me feeling shaky, uncertain, and even alone at times.  He was my forever.  We fought hard to make it work.  Now, I have to fight hard to keep our family strong. My three kiddos need me.  Two of those kiddos are girls that I am raising to be strong women.  I won't stop.  I won't give up.       

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