Sunday, November 10, 2019

Honestly Honest

Honesty?  Well, if I'm honest, I didn't want to get out of bed at all today.  I'm exhausted, but other than grief, I have no reason to be this tired. I'm feeling sad and lonely because I miss Jeffrey.  I'm constantly aware of his absence. I'm working on choosing joy, but it's hard.  it truly takes effort, and that doesn't always come easy or naturally.  Staying in bed just seemed like a good idea...for me.  Not a good idea for my family though.  So, I got out of bed.  And honestly, I'm glad that I did.  Ali and I drove to ISU to see her friend's concert.  The concert was great!  They sang Dolly Parton's Jolene, which was awesome. On the drive, Ali and I got to talk, sing and just be together.  On the way home we picked up Giordano's Pizza, which our whole family loves.  Meghan, of course, missed out because that girl can't stay home for longer than 5.2 seconds.  😂  Now I'm going to watch some Hallmark movies.  I admit they make me both happy and sad, but such is life.  I just have to keep choosing to focus on happy...especially if I want to keep my depression in check.

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