Monday, May 20, 2019

I Miss Him Like a Limb!

Recently, I saw this little quote on facebook, and I think there is so much truth packed into it.  I haven't "gotten over" my father dying.  I haven't gotten over my grandparents or aunts passing away or any of the other loved ones I have lost.  And I don't plan on "getting over" Jeff dying either.  Anyone that would expect me to is crazy!

Recently, someone said that they heard a woman talking about her husband that had passed, and she said she "missed him like a limb."  Another woman stated that is exactly how she explains the loss to people.  She states, "it's like having your right arm and left leg cut off.  Your in a world of pain and you will survive, but you just have to learn to live without something so valuable and essential to you."  This makes complete sense to me!  I hadn't known quite how to explain it to people, but this is exactly right.  I miss Jeffrey like a limb!  

You don't just get over losing your arm and leg.  You miss them.  You always remember what it was like when you had them.  Life is more difficult/challenging/less enjoyable without them.  However, you learn to adjust.  You don't sit around dwelling on the negatives (for long anyway) because you know that isn't going to get you anywhere.  Instead, you go forward slowly.  You try to figure out how to live a life without your limb.

I will always carry Jeffrey with me.  Always!  I won't get over him.  He is too important to me.  Too special to be forgotten.  I will move forward through this life, but I will bring Jeff with me as I do.  I talk to him all the time.  I think about what he would have thought or said.  I know that Jeff is gone physically from this Earth, but he is very much alive inside of my heart and mind.  He will remain that way until I see him again.        

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